Wednesday, August 19, 2009

just a PieCE of TraSH

most of the time reality hurt,
and we cannot complain it
because that how it works..
because we not live in fairytale whereby
there always a happy ending..

we can only choose our path
and hoping it was not the worse choice.

(interpret la ikut your own INTERPRETATION)


  1. reality hurts us a lot...
    it makes us cry sometimes...

    but sometimes...
    the tears that we shed will make us smile...
    from a sad story,we still can have a happy ending...

  2. yup, when we cry, it makes us much much stronger
    when we get hurt it teach us how to deal with pain
    teach us how 2 b a better person

  3. totally agree with rainbow...

    we dun just become a better person,
    we'll be a new person...

    a new person with new spirit to live a life...
